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이야기치료의 철학적 배경 Ⅰ. 철학적 배경1. 모던이즘을 표현하는 인식론과 범주들의 이해 예)구조주의/근본주의/인과론/합목적론/낙관론/기계론/질서론/기능론/체계론/필연론▪ 구조주의: 절대적 구조 - 세계는 구조가 있다는 전제: 표면과 심층, 객관적 실재와 정신적 직관 등 - 그 구조는 개개의 요소들로 구축(성) 됨 - 개개의 요소를 분석/ 알게 되면 현상의 본질을 알 수 있다. - 요소=본질=정체성 - 실재가 구분될 수 있는 듯 착각하게 함▪ 근본주의: 인간은 근본이 있어야.▪ 합목적론: 목적에 맞는.▪ 낙관론: 인생이나 사물을 밝고 희망적으로 생각▪ 기계론: 법칙, 인과관계에 따라 설명 가능▪ 질서론: 순서나 차례▪ 기능론: 역할▪ 체계론: 전체, 부분, 환경으로 구분하여 보는.▪ 필연론: 이 세상의 모든 일은 일정한 인과 관.. 2017. 3. 11.
hotel operation report intro part 1. IntroductionThis report indicates that how the hotel Pluto operates general departments for high level of performance within 3 years. Moreover, it will suggest diverse ways and strategies for next year 4. Now the PLUTO is 4 star hotel and built all of extra facilities except for room and restaurant extension. In the first year, the Pluto hotel had a difficulty about financial problems because.. 2017. 3. 10.
environmentally friendly hotel essay draft In recent years, tourism industries have been growing rapidly, it caused various environmental problems such as deforestation, air and soil pollution. These problems made hotels to become environmentally friendly hotels. Nowadays, a lot of hotels have their own strategies to protect and prevent environmental problems, and it has close relationship with both hotel’s profit and environment because.. 2017. 3. 9.
제조업 고용관련 문제에 대한 답안 Case Name or Exercise Name: The Decline in Manufacturing EmploymentQ1. Identify the factors shaping Terry’s career transitions.A. This page mentioned that he had always had the ‘gift of the gab’ and he liked a challenge. In my point of view, the gift of the gab is one of his ability as a human resource. It is particularly apparent in the service sector where workers are the primary source of con.. 2017. 3. 8.